Friday 20 April 2012

Location Report.

Internal Filming.
We used Chestnuts Primary School Black Boy Lane, London N15 3AS for our interior filming. Collectively we decided that this was a good area to use because there is a large cellar that takes up the entire bottom of the school,the old building also contains many winding staircases and all the original exterior fittings giving an authentic feel to our film. The cellar was extremely dark and had many heavy doors and different compartments giving us a choice of where abouts in the building we wanted to shoot.

                                                                            External Filming.

For our external filming we used Oakthorpe Road and an old deserted property on the road. We chose the area because it was covered by large tree's that made the property look secluded and therefore giving an uneasy feel to the area. It was also a large building,similar to the building we used for our interior shots so it didn't look out of proportion on the filming. Nearby, there was also the local canal which we shot because there were swans there at the time,the swans contrasted with the whole idea of our film and so we decided to include them. We took a range of shots of the surounding area giving us again, a range and freedom to choose which shots fitted best.
The particular house we used was abandoned and in parts,damaged. The effect of this was that it made the building look abused and old. The shutters over the windows gave a sense of secrecy and mystery to the house, as if trying to hide something from possible onlookers. The plants and bushes around the house were over grown and not maintained making the area look manic and out of control. All of our chosen settings use pathetic fallacy in that the mood and state of mind of the charcter is reflected in the settings.

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