Friday 23 March 2012


This is our story board that my group and i created as a guide for shooting our film.


We used the answers to our questionnaire and put made them into graphs to see our answers visually.

First Questionnaire

This questionnaire was created by my group and I so that we had general feedback from thriller audiences as to what they would like to see in a thriller movie. This helped us in the development of our initial ideas for our film.

Our production company

This is the clip we have created for our production company for our thriller film. The clip was created using online programme one true media . The programme allowed us to make fast samples so it was easier to decide what we wanted as our final clip. Our logo design was based on the joinig of all our 3 last names within the group. The logo was created using the programme paint.

Friday 16 March 2012

We had to create a spider diagram with all our ideas for our opening of the thriller film before we started filming anything. These are our initial thoughts and rough ideas for the plot of the film. Thomsta is the name our group came up with for our production, it is each of our last names combined into one.


Our coursework is to produce the beginning of a thriller movie. The thriller must contain it's own score,a range of camera shots, credits and it must be 2 minutes long. We must have our own production name and use all of our own filming and music. Our work must not contain either of us in the filming.

Mood Board.

Our group created a mood board,we researched various thriller movies such as The Orphan and the Da Vinci Code and made a poster/collage of all our ideas.

Different Sub Genres of thriller.

Preliminary Task-Aimee, Cadiesha & Marissa from Cadiesha Stephenson on Vimeo.

This was our preliminary task,shot in school using our camera and tripod. We filmed a range of different shots so that we had more choice when it came to editing our piece. Our task required us to use shot reverse shot, match on action and the 180 degree rule.
My name is Aimee Thompson and i am studying As media. My coursework task is to produce the first two minutes of a thriller movie including credits and a score.
My group is:
Marissa Da Costa
Cadiesha Stephenson.